It was bound to happen

I finally had my first bogglific dream, or maybe it was scrabulous, whichever. It definitely means I've been playing too much. Both are addictive. luckily, unlike crack, they aren't illegal or expensive.

Things they don't tell you in parenting class

Disclaimer: This falls into the "Too Much Information" realm so stop reading here if you don't want to learn one of the dirty little secrets of parenting.

So T and I took a course on child birth preparation (which I highly recommend, by the way). It was a 6 week class and covered a lot about the whole child birth process. At the last class the instructor covered a lot of things about post partum that no one ever talks about. It was like learning the secret handshake that would admit us into the secret society of parents. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say that there are a lot of aspects of childbirth that you never see in the movies or on TV.

That last paragraph was just fluff. This is your last chance to turn back.

The other night when I was changing H's diapers I came to this realization: I probably touch H's testicles more than I touch my own and more that I ever imagined I would touch any other male's. Just like changing diapers, I never even thought about it; it just came naturally.

My son likes Bob Marley

The baby was fussing this morning and nothing I tried seemed to work. In an act of desperation I turned on the iPod and played a little Bob Marley. Out like a light. At least I know he has a sense for good music.

The projectile poo

Before you have a child you hear stories. They border on the realm of urban legend; stories people like to tell to scare parents to be. The stuff that bad family comedy movies are made of. There is no way your 9 lb. little bundle of joy is going to violently eject something the length of his body. It just doesn't seem possible.

Until it happens.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. We have reached another milestone. And again, I was luckily not the one to learn the hard way so to speak. I won't get into details, but I'll just say it brightened up my morning.

Facebook is sucking my soul

I noticed that a friend had added a little boggle app to their page so I decided to give it a try. IT'S LIKE CRACK!!! At just three minutes a game you can just get a quick hit. But more often the case you play five or ten games. I can't stop. Help!!!

the littler things

It's funny. When I burp, I get scolded by T. When the baby burps, we both get excited and praise the baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get excited over someone's burping, but there I am saying "good job, buddy!"

I caught T singing Whitney Houston to H today. We might need to set some parameters on acceptable baby lullaby songs.

Facebook has gotten hold of me

Two non-baby posts in a day.

A "friend" invited me to join facebook a few weeks back. They obviously didn't know about my compulsive behavior when it comes to things like this. I have spent an inordinate amount of time the past couple of days adding friends, poking friends, looking at apps etc. It reminds me back when I got Animal Crossing for the Game Cube. I spent all my waking hours playing with my guy. It's almost like I have two children now. Aaaaarggghhh. What have I done?!?!

RIP: Chip Reese

A rare non-baby related post. Chip Reese dead at 56. I never met the man. I did glance at him in Bobby's Room at the Bellagio once.

My biggest fears

Often times I'll be sitting in the rocking chair trying to lull the baby to sleep. I can only remember the lyrics to a few lullabies so I start singing Queen, Led Zeplin, Steve Miller or whatever song I know the words to. I don't know that Bohemian Rhapsody has ever been included on a lullaby CD but it does seem to work. I don't do the head banging a la Wayne's World though.

As I sit there, did I mention that it usually is in the wee hours of the morning? looking at this beautiful child, I try to comprehend that this little guy is going to grow up to be a boy and then a man. And I try to think about what he'll be when he grows up.

Now, I know I can only do so much-- give him a strong foundation, try to teach him right from wrong, to respect others yada yada yada.. I know that ultimately I don't have a lot of control over what he'll become and what his aspirations will be.

HOWEVER, I have come up with a list of certain scenarios where I will not hesitate to disown him:
1. He becomes a conservative republican. Especially if he is anti-gay or anti-abortion.
2. He becomes a born again Christian. I think his mother and I did quite well giving birth to him the first time. If he feels he needs to be born again, well he can find new parents.
3. He becomes a corporate lawyer. Unless he donates lots of money/time to worthy charities.
4. He becomes the dictator of a country and oppresses the masses.

Besides that, I'll always love him unconditionally.

That's my boy

3 weeks old and already giving people the finger.
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catch some Z's

Just after a 2:00 AM feeding. H is wide awake while mommy and daddy are tired.
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Terrible (week) Twos

My friend sent me an email telling me to watch out. That the second week is worse than the first. It was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. H is all fussy but when we go to feed him he falls asleep. When we try to put him down he starts crying. This better be a passing phase or he's going to be grounded. I'm serious.

Oh, and he peed on mommy again.

Pee on Mommy count

4. Got auntie Q too. That's my boy.

Things I've learned in 6 days

1. Make sure the penis isn't pointing up out of the top of the diaper. Luckily mommy learned the lesson, not daddy.
2. Make sure the diapers are snug against the legs. Again, mommy was the one who discovered this.

Day 6

I know every parent thinks their child is the most beautiful, but come on, this guy is pretty cute.
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Things a Vietnamese mother can't eat for the first two weeks

(as gathered from my mother-in-law).

1. Nothing cold: ice water, ice cream, etc.
2. No salt-water fish. Fresh water fish are OK.
3. No rice noodles. But cooked rice is OK.

That's all I've been able to figure out so far. No doubt I'll learn more when I try to feed T something.

Pee on Mommy count

2. At least I know he isn't only picking on me.

Go see the Dr.

On the way to his first check up.
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Pee on daddy count

3. I swear he's waiting until I'm distracted before letting loose.

Pee on daddy count


First of many I'm sure

My son just peed on me for the first time. And I'm ok with that.

First Bath

Just gave H his first bath. It was a little comedy of errors, indeed. Baby's squeeky clean and fresh as a rose- until the next poopy diaper.
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For those of you keeping track

Daddy changed another wet nappy.

Hieu's story

T woke up Saturday morning feeling mild contractions. They were pretty mild so we went about our daily business. It wasn't until after dinner that the contractions began to get a little stronger and more consistent. By 9 or so the contractions were between 4-8 minutes apart but it wasn't until Sunday morning around 3 when T's contractions were about 4 minutes apart that we headed into the hospital. She was only dilated 2 cms so they sent us home. Thankfully they gave her a shot of morphine/vistaril and she was able to sleep until around 11:00. Determined not to go to the hospital only to be sent home again, T gutted it out through ever stronger contractions until she was brought to tears and her legs were giving way. We went back around 3:30 and the triage nurse said she was dilated to 4 so we were admitted. Epidural was in around 4:30. Once the epidural kicked in T, pretty much slept for the next 5 hours.

Dr. K was on call and had a patient who was pushing for 3 hours before needing a C-section so we were left to hang out and wait for the C-section to finish. Some time around 10:00 the nurse said we were 10 cms and started walking T through pushing. The baby's head was already visible when Dr. K came in and delivered H. According to our OB, T was only pushing for about 30 minutes.

Things you never thought would happen until you become a daddy

I think I've washed my hands more times in the last three days than I used to in a week. I wash my hands after touching the faucet after washing my hands. Germs now lurk everywhere. I may seriously spray everyone who enters the house with a bleach/water solution so be fore warned.


11:46 AM: Poopy diaper.

Do you see the similarities?

I found this photo of me when I was born. If there was any question whether or not he is my son, I think we can safely squash them now.

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The focus of this blog is no longer me

It's probably going to be a long time until you see another poker-related post here. I've got something more precious than the WSOP Main Event bracelet. Of course, the bracelet doesn't poop, burp, cry and scream, but it isn't halfway as cute.

Baby Hieu was born on Sunday, November 4. Mommy likes to say that like his father, he arrived a few minutes early than his appointed time (his due date was the 5th). I don't see anything wrong with that.

So this post will now be the official baby blog. Check back here for pictures and stories about the adventures of baby H.

What I "Do"

Just in case you were wondering what I do in the ceramics studio, here is one of my latest creations:

Harry Potter is evil

No, I'm not one of those Christian nutjobs who think that Harry Potter is the work of the devil. In fact, I loved the last book. It was a great way to finish the series. Non-stop action and everything wrapped up in the end. Maybe I could have done without the splenda chapter 36, but besides that I loved it.

Loved it so much in fact that I stayed up until 4:30 Sunday morning reading the book and subsequently suffered the next couple of days. And then my wife stayed up way too late last night finishing the book. She was so engrossed that she ignored hunger pains and skipped dinner, not able to put the book down.

And that is why the book is evil.

*** spoiler warning *** don't read past here if you haven't read the book.

OK. There's no way to ever prove this, but I guessed that Harry was a Horcrux before I read the book. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who did this, but I felt pretty proud of myself when I read it. And I was pretty sure that Snape was good and killed Dumbledore on his orders.

Harry Potter

OK, I admit I'm a Harry Potter geek. I've read all the books multiple times. I'm not the "wait-in-line-for-hours/days-to-get-the-book-at-midnight" flavor of fan, but I do enjoy the series. So when I had a chance to see a special preview in IMAX 3-D I took it.

I love the books but when it comes to the movies, I kind of feel like the guy who is pot committed and can't get away. I mean, I've watched every movie so far so I can't stop even though each movie leaves me unsatisfied. I understand that they can't include everything in the book if they want to keep the movies under 3 hours (OoP is 2 and a half, but it goes by quick) but I feel the cuts/story line changes they made with were a little too hollywood and dumbed-down for my liking. It's almost better if you don't read the books so you don't know what you're missing.

But now that I'm 5/7 of the way committed I'll no doubt see the last two movies when they come out, but I won't feel good about it.

Back to School

I spent a few hours on Sunday afternoon registering for parenting classes. PARENTING CLASSES! If you asked me a year ago if I ever thought I'd be registering for "Conscious Fathering" I probably would have told you to go somewhere unpleasant. But there I was. I've basically booked up my whole October to learn every aspect of caring for the new edition. Worst of all, some of the classes were only available on Saturday morning, traditionally my day of worship at the casino. Not that I'm growing resentful of the coming baby, hell, I'm not the one who has to carry the extra weight and go through a hormonal roller coaster, but IF I was going to resentful, this might be the cause. In truth, if anything, signing up for all those classes just made everything a little more real.

Also, last night we did the belly-to-belly thing and I got to feel the little guy kick a little more. Maybe because we were watching "Kung Fu Hustle" this guy was kicking like nobody's business. Now I have to decide if I'll ruin this guy's life pressuring him to be a professional soccer player or martial arts master. Thankfully I have a few more months to contemplate this.

There can be only one.

I remember when I thought "Highlander" was the best movie in the world. While I won't make that claim anymore, there is something about a movie about a whole bunch of guys running around trying to cut off each other's heads that appeals to a guy, and you could do a lot worse than a soundtrack featuring Queen.

In the movie the remaining immortals are drawn to New York for the be all, end all. While it isn't New York, there is a Statue of Liberty in Las Vegas and an estimated 4,000-5,000 people are gathering to try and chop off each other's heads (figuratively, although I'm sure there are those who contemplate being literal) at teh World Series of Poker Main Event. And, in the end, there can be only one (at least the public is always led to believe).

While part of me wishes I could be there, and perhaps might have been had my 99s not fell to 66s, this morning when I felt the baby kick you couldn't have paid me enough to be anywhere else. As we lay there belly to belly - something that is much easier now that we both have protruding ones- I felt a little bump that was my son. I think I'll go buy him some soccer shoes tomorrow.

The first day of the rest of your life

Today was the first Monday in a long time (save vacations) that I didn't have to get up for work. It was a beautiful morning. I did get up, a little earlier than usual actually, but I didn't have to, and that was glorious.

Last Friday was my last day of work. For the next four months I'm a free spirit. Sure, I have to work remotely, but that's only for 2 hours a day and can be done from Starbucks (which I'm doing right now). But besides that, I'm a bum.

Of course, come November it will all come to an end. My life will be plunged into a world of diapers, vomit, bodily excretions, screaming, crying, swaddling and sleep deprivation.

In short, I have four months of freedom before 18 years of servitude.

For those of you just tuning in, we are having a child. A boy. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this one. My wife, aka "the Boss," is hosting an organism that started as a single cell and is rapidly growing into millions, nay billions, trillions? A defenseless little being that will grow up -- at times too quickly and at others not fast enough -- and one day think he's invincible and then later realize how mortal he is.

I alternate between freaking out and disbelief. I mean, my body isn't coursing with hormones and I don't have a swollen belly (fat yes, but not swollen) to remind me constantly of the impending arrival so it's easy for me to forget (or deny) my impending fatherhood. But at night as we lie in bed and watch Season 2 of LOST, I am acutely aware of the presence of the third being in the bed; the 12 ounce gorilla in the room.


Chasing a dream

I don't have illusions that I'm going to win the main event of the World Series of Poker, but that doesn't mean I don't want to give it a shot. Unfortunately I don't have, nor do I ever foresee myself having, $10,000 that I am willing to plop down for my shot. So a while back I noticed that the Tulalip casino was hosting a $90 buy-in event on Saturdays where the top five finishers each week would advance to a tournament where the top prize is a $10,000 and $5,00o for travel and lodging. $90 I can do. So last weekend I made the trip up to Tulalip to play.

Now I haven't played in a live tournament since last July in Las Vegas, so I was mostly playing to get my fix; that itch that needs scratching. My goal going in was to play solid poker, not make any stupid mistakes and have fun. Five hours later things had changed.

Not having been to the tournament before, I headed out early to make sure I arrived with plenty of time. Nothing would have been worse than me having drove 45 minutes only to find out that the tournament had already filled. Once registered I decided to head to the coffee shop and have a nice, big breakfast before the tourney. Unfortunately the coffee shop, that according to the sign opens at 10:00AM, was closed at 10:10 and my only option was the Buffet.

Nature abhors a vacuum and I abhor buffets (except in Las Vegas).

When it comes to food, I am a quality over quantity kind of guy; I like my food made to order, not food that has been expecting and eagerly awaiting me (for the past hour). As I glanced around the Tulalip buffet, it appeared that many of my fellow patrons did not share my senitments, judging by the ample amounts of food they had ladled on their plates. To make things worse, they didn't even have an eggs station where I could order some eggs. The salad bar was woefully pathetic but suprisingly their pot stickers were digestible. Barely satiated, I returned to the poker room to begin play.

I can't remember the hands, but I know I never got aces, had Queens at least once and Kings once. I got lucky a couple of times and somehow found myself at the final table as one of the bigger stacks. When we got down to 7 (10 places paid), a chop was proposed that I agreed to. At this point, there was only one player who I was wary of. Luckily I had position on him and managed to bluff him off one hand that set me up to take it all. I sucked out while busting both the third and second place players. In the final hand, with about 500K of the 600K chips in play I raised on the button only to have my opponent go all in. Pot committed, I sheepishly turned over 7c9c to his AdAs. 6d-8-Qd flop, 5d on the turn and a black 2 on the river sealed the deal.

My first place finish is good for T5,000 in starting chips in the final tourney. Fingers crossed.

Jury Duty


The room is quite plain. It calls to mind a bus station waiting room; long rows of chairs are arranged through the room. Hundreds (277 at the start yesterday morning) fill the room. Some people read, others listen to music and others fidget with cell phones. Thankfully they have wi-fi here.


My friends laughed at me, but I was quite curious to take part in the jury process. AW said that only people too stupid to get out of jury duty serve, but i'd like to think that's not true. As I told him, I would hope that if I ever need to be judged by a jury of my peers, I want to believe that it's not just people who couldn't come up with an excuse. Not that I really want to get selected for a jury, but


Yesterday I lucked out. The coordinator said he had to many jurors and had the computer randomly select 50 people to be excused. Granted, my odds are pretty good, 1 in 5.5, but I still felt like I hit the jackpot.

Coming back this morning it's interesting to see how many people are sitting in the exact same seat they sat in yesterday. If I were some sort of sociologist, this would be a goldmine for material. As it is, I just get to listen to music and surf the web. I have been inspired to listen to "the Wall" I had forgotten what a good album this is. It definitely brings back memories.