102 minute hardship

My Touch ID hand is hooked up to the Apheresis machine. Need to manually enter my pass code.



The first ice cream truck
rolling through, blaring music;
the sounds of summer.



Summer vacation:
the quick way to determine
which parents plan well.


Mid-life Desire

I still like sports cars, 
but mini-vans with built-in
vacuums turn me on.


Ășltimo huevo

How many can say
"I am eating the last egg
that my chicken laid."?


- Tyler

Futbol, Footbal, Fussball, Soccer

Copa America, 
Euro Cup 2016,
a soccer fan's dream.



High school reunion.
Too bad we weren't all so chill
when we were eighteen.


- Tyler


Behold, the school lunch,
packed with love and care each day.
Returned uneaten.


- Tyler


Nothing makes my head itch
like a letter sent from school
regarding head lice.


Not in Kansas anymore

I've traveled far, far
away to a strange land called
the "Mercer Island."


Quid pro quo

I will accept dismissal of judge Curiel from the Trump U case on the grounds of his being Mexican as soon as we dismiss a Trump candidacy on the grounds of Trump being a racist asshole.


Timing is everything, part 2

An hour past bedtime
is the best time to mention
the hives, there since lunch.


Timing is Everything

When it's time to leave
is always the time that my
kids need to go poo.


Empty Nest

The coop is empty.
The three hens, once four, are no more.
Chicken and dumplings.


Weekend warrior

It's not my ego,
but memories writing checks
my body can't cash.


Professional Development Days

Whoever thought up
two-hour early dismissal
hated all parents.
