For the greater good

I am grateful that I live in a part of the country where (a majority) of people understand science and are willing to put the needs of the community above individual "rights."


I am grateful for Peanut Butter. On toast. With honey.


So much for a post every day. Today I am grateful for our beautiful home. It's been a little over a year that we moved to a house in the Mt. Baker neighborhood. We were so fortunate to find a home closer to family with plenty of room for everyone to be on Zoom calls at the same time. Erik Z. at Russel Jones Real Estate and Tom C. At United American Mortgage were great.


The blog has been languishing so I've decided to try something else. My boys attend Dharma school, basically Sunday School for Buddhists. Last year they started a "gratitude jar" where they were supposed to write one thing they were grateful for every day. Let's just say that that didn't go so well. But that doesn't mean I can't start a jar of my own. My goal is to post something I'm grateful for every day. I'll shoot for every day for a month and if I can go that long I'll look to extend the streak.

Here goes:

I am grateful for my life. I have been born into privilege. I can't remember ever going to bed hungry and I have never worried where my next meal would come from or whether I would have a roof over my head when I went to sleep. I got a good education and was raised by parents who loved me. And for that I am grateful.