It's not fair

Most mornings our son wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30, which means that we get up at the same time. My body is so used to it that here on one of those rare days where he's sleeping in I am wide awake. And I don't really want to start moving around for fear of waking him since his sleeping in must mean he's tired and needs the sleep. No, there's no question who rules this house.

I wonder ...,

if our son grows up to be famous will he write about how cruel I was
to force him to drink apple juice from a cup with a straw instead of
from a juice box?
Things I learned today:
1. The shrub next to our house is called sarcococca.
2. My son thinks it's a blueberry bush.
3. All those talks about asking an adult before eating anything outside were for naught.

like a phoenix rising from the ashes....

I know you were all waiting for this... is Back!!!! If I was so inclined I might make reference to Spring, Easter and rebirth, but I'm not. It's been fun working in Joomla to create the site. I'm going to add more bells and whistles when I have time to play around with Joomla, but at least it's not a blank site anymore.
I've traded in the stay at home dad outfit for business attire. Just for the evening.


The first episode I ever saw of LOST was the Season 1 Finale. I remember thinking "what the hell is this?" And yet, here I am, watching the final episodes religiously. At this point I feel like I've invested so much time what are a few more hours? I guess part of me just needs to know how it ends; what this whole island is all about.

At times I see the grand metaphors that others see and at other times I think the people who created this show probably should seek psychiatric help.

I have to admit that I probably wouldn't have stuck with the show for so long had it not been for the Goat Speaks. Almost immediately after watching an episode I go over and read his take on what happened. Not only are there little things I totally missed but reading his perspective is almost as entertaining (if not more) than the show itself.

So don't bother trying to get a hold of me on Sunday, May 23, I'll be busy.

Andrew Zimmern would be proud

Just watched my son polish off a plate of Annie's Bunny Graham Friends dipped in ume (plum) salad dressing. I don't think there's anything he won't eat if given a sauce to dip it in.

Test Drive

Let's see if this works. I'm going to publish a blog post and using twitterfeed, push this out to twitter and facebook. Why in the world would I need to do that? That's a very good question. But then do any of us really need Twitter, blogger, facebook and the like? That is an excellent question indeed.
PDA: I am putting on shorts. Prepare to shield your eyes from the ghastly sight of paleness.
Sounders are undefeated at home this season when I attend the match. #justsaying
"thank you come in my room mommy, that was so nice." #thingsour2yearoldsays
Led our team in scoring and fouls. Unfortunately the other team scored 5 times as many goals as me.
Can't wait until H can wipe and blow his own nose.
Go @soundersfc! Never have I had so much riding on a game.
Wife: you're lucky I'm not easily offended or I'd get violent. Me: that would make you a Republican.
Trying hard to get my son to come out of the closet.
Feels dirty on so many levels.
Really needs to read emails more carefully. This is the second time in two days I've been an hour early.
is unhoarding.
Met a man who said he has dinner w/ his whole family (4 kids, 10 gkids, 6 ggkids, 31 ppl) every Thurs. Truly enviable.
My wife asked me to pick up her books at the library but neglected to tell me there were 16! Sadly this is not an April's Fools except maybe on me.