Missed connection

Empty street corner,
where kids and parents once stood. 
Missed the bus again.

#MyLifeInHaiku #SlowKids

Nom nom

Some people eat to live,
some people live to eat.
I eat to make room in the fridge for groceries.

#NotSoDeepThoughts #NotHaiku

Back to school

Red pen: felt, ball point?
Index card, with lines or blank?
School supply life tilt.


Heat Wave

On hot summer nights,
open windows bring breezes,
spouses' angry words.


The end

End of the school year:
Reports cards, year books, picnics.
Lost book notices.

#MyLifeInHaiku #ParentChronicles


Water, salt, cabbage,
bacteria and patience.
Making sauerkraut.

#MyLifeInHaiku #DadInTheKitchen

- Tyler


I love the spring time
for the day or two until
the sneezing begins.
