Fermented plums

This is my first attempt at lacto-fermenting fruit in vacuum bags. I picked up a mix of organic plums, cut them into quarters and tossed them with sea salt at 2% by weight. The bag puffed up in less than a week and I was afraid the bag might explode. On the left is the liquid that I drained off and on the right are the fermented plums.  The plums are still pretty firm and are salty with just a hint of plum flavor. I enjoy salty/savory foods so I've been just eating the plums straight from the jar. I've been sipping the liquid or mixing it with fizzy water. 

I don't know what else to do with them; maybe try them over ice cream?

Next time I might cut the fruit a little smaller to increase the amount of fermentation. It's definitely a fun little experiment. 

Lacto fermenting

I'm on a fermenting in bags kind of kick right now. I did two batches of mixed cherry tomatoes- the one in the middle has a few cloves of garlic thrown in- and some kumquats. It's fun to watch the bags slowly puff up as the fermentation releases carbon dioxide (science!). 

Joshua Weissman: https://youtu.be/46_uxveHZ4w
Brad Leone fermenting citrus: https://youtu.be/KUHp3ve4m50