superman... well sort of

took another beating at ub last night. i can say honestly i just played dumb last night. i deserved what i got. the only problem is that i am now precariously in the 20s. given all the bills i am going to be incurring in the next couple of months i don't think i'll be recharging should the unthinkable happen. so i guess i'll just play with my points and should i exhaust those i'll take a sabbatical.

since i really don't want to recall anything about last night i'll just have to point users over to poker grub for a good trip report and also a much better review of "the passion of the christ". i wish i could write half as well as grubby.

this morning i was reminded of a story from my last trip to las vegas. it's funny what triggered the memory: last night i got to watch "scrubs," one of my favorite shows on tv right now (besides the wpt of course) since RL was sick and tuesday night poker got cancelled. because of that i was singing (half singing, half humming really), the opening song this morning and got to the line "i'm no superman." last time at vegas there was a big guy sitting over in the 8s with a silver ring with the superman "s". my neighbor and i started calling him superman, not just because he was big enough to be the man of steel, but also because he was getting super-humanly lucky. after one hand where my neighbor said "i'm not going to play against superman" the guy said "it's actually not what you think." well enlighten us professor.

it turns out the guy was a polo player and had won the ring as being the person who survived (actually he didn't mention whether the ring was ever awarded posthumously) the worst polo-related accident from the previous season. apparently the honor (and ring) is bestowed by the fellow players. in a sense i guess superman is an apt title since surviving a horse trampling is no small feat. but in the end, even the man of steel left down a little bit; he couldn't defeat the arch-villian of bad starting hand selection.

only 3.5 weeks until vegas,

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