New year, negative bank roll

have I mentioned that when I lived in San Jose I didn't play at Bay 101 because I told myself that I wanted my casino gambling to be limited to home games and Las Vegas. That way poker would be a leisure/vacation activity and not something tedious or routine. I'm not exactly sure what changed when I moved up to Seattle, but now I average about a night a week in a card room.

Since moving back I've kept a journal of my poker winnings (and losings) and up until last weekend I was in the black, thanks in large part to a couple of very good nights playing the 2-6/6-12 spread limit game that they used to have at the Silver Dollar. Unfortunately some bone head decided to move that game somewhere else, leaving me to play 3/6 with the fish at the Golden Nugget. Last weekend the black quickly went to red when I went up to Tulalip. It was the first time I had been to their casino. I really liked it. What I loved was the smoke free poker room. What I didn't like so much was when I shoved all in with 99 only to have my neighbor to the left have KK. After a modest pre-flop raise, there was very little to fear when the flop came 7 high. I bet only to be raised by my neighbor. Putting him on a spade draw (two on the flop), I called and shoved all in after the turn was another under card and not a spade. A K came on the river just to salt the wound a little bit.

My buddy MM tells me that I could be a consistent winner if I played there, tells me there is no shortage of fish there. I can't tell if he's being truthful or just wants my money. Truth be told, I didn't feel at the top of my game when I played last time so I would like to go back some time just to prove to myself that my first experience was a fluke. One day.

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