sticking it to the man

I had to perform the unpleasant job of paying a parking ticket today. So I parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Big Deal. The probability of a fire happening when I was parked there is tiny. And it's not like I was right in front of it, I was a good 5 feet away. AND it was on a corner so if a firetruck needed access, it could reach it. It wasn't even a particularly noteworthy apartment building either. I'm sure if it had burned down, some developer would have put in some much nicer (and probably much more expensive) units.

Before I wrote out my check I noticed that I could pay online. Saves me 36 cents AND I get airline miles. Not to mention, the city has to pay some credit card processing fee so they end up getting less. HAH!

I'm such a rebel.

BTW, my friend Daniel is going to be on CSI: NY this week. Not sure what his character is, but I know the episode involves poker so I'm there. Unfortunately we still don't have a TV so I'm going to have to crash my friend's house. I'm actually a little bitter that he didn't call me to come down and see the taping. I could have been a consultant or something. Apparently the show hired some pro poker player to consult on the show but I still think I could have added some imput. I could have told him how to handle a suckout or how to order cocktails (two things I do with frequency when at the Casino).

Speaking of poker. I just crashed and burned at a 30-person sit-n-go. I only have myself to blame really. Too much fancy play syndrome. oh well.


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