Rainy Days

100% chance of rain. It must be so easy to be a Weather forecaster in Seattle. Between November and February all you have to say is "100% chance of rainy today. Highs in the 50s, lows in the 30s. Mostly cloudy."

So I notice that Anderson Cooper is replacing Aaron Brown as CNN's Prime time newscaster. Sad day for those of us who remember Aaron from back in the days when he was a local newscaster. I guess standing out in hurricane winds wasn't for naught. I still would have liked to have seen Cooper been hit upside the head with a palm frond or something.

Not much poker lately (the last two days). Been busy firing a Soda kiln as part of this Soda fire class I'm taking at Pottery Northwest. It's a great place for anyone who wants to take classes. There is something very appealing to a pyromaniac about something that exceeds 2200 degrees F.

On Rain. I like it when I can sit inside and listen to it hit against the window. I don't like hiking in it. and I much prefer it over snow. My mantra is "you don't have to shovel rain."


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