It was bound to happen

I finally had my first bogglific dream, or maybe it was scrabulous, whichever. It definitely means I've been playing too much. Both are addictive. luckily, unlike crack, they aren't illegal or expensive.

Things they don't tell you in parenting class

Disclaimer: This falls into the "Too Much Information" realm so stop reading here if you don't want to learn one of the dirty little secrets of parenting.

So T and I took a course on child birth preparation (which I highly recommend, by the way). It was a 6 week class and covered a lot about the whole child birth process. At the last class the instructor covered a lot of things about post partum that no one ever talks about. It was like learning the secret handshake that would admit us into the secret society of parents. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say that there are a lot of aspects of childbirth that you never see in the movies or on TV.

That last paragraph was just fluff. This is your last chance to turn back.

The other night when I was changing H's diapers I came to this realization: I probably touch H's testicles more than I touch my own and more that I ever imagined I would touch any other male's. Just like changing diapers, I never even thought about it; it just came naturally.

My son likes Bob Marley

The baby was fussing this morning and nothing I tried seemed to work. In an act of desperation I turned on the iPod and played a little Bob Marley. Out like a light. At least I know he has a sense for good music.

The projectile poo

Before you have a child you hear stories. They border on the realm of urban legend; stories people like to tell to scare parents to be. The stuff that bad family comedy movies are made of. There is no way your 9 lb. little bundle of joy is going to violently eject something the length of his body. It just doesn't seem possible.

Until it happens.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. We have reached another milestone. And again, I was luckily not the one to learn the hard way so to speak. I won't get into details, but I'll just say it brightened up my morning.

Facebook is sucking my soul

I noticed that a friend had added a little boggle app to their page so I decided to give it a try. IT'S LIKE CRACK!!! At just three minutes a game you can just get a quick hit. But more often the case you play five or ten games. I can't stop. Help!!!

the littler things

It's funny. When I burp, I get scolded by T. When the baby burps, we both get excited and praise the baby. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get excited over someone's burping, but there I am saying "good job, buddy!"

I caught T singing Whitney Houston to H today. We might need to set some parameters on acceptable baby lullaby songs.

Facebook has gotten hold of me

Two non-baby posts in a day.

A "friend" invited me to join facebook a few weeks back. They obviously didn't know about my compulsive behavior when it comes to things like this. I have spent an inordinate amount of time the past couple of days adding friends, poking friends, looking at apps etc. It reminds me back when I got Animal Crossing for the Game Cube. I spent all my waking hours playing with my guy. It's almost like I have two children now. Aaaaarggghhh. What have I done?!?!

RIP: Chip Reese

A rare non-baby related post. Chip Reese dead at 56. I never met the man. I did glance at him in Bobby's Room at the Bellagio once.

My biggest fears

Often times I'll be sitting in the rocking chair trying to lull the baby to sleep. I can only remember the lyrics to a few lullabies so I start singing Queen, Led Zeplin, Steve Miller or whatever song I know the words to. I don't know that Bohemian Rhapsody has ever been included on a lullaby CD but it does seem to work. I don't do the head banging a la Wayne's World though.

As I sit there, did I mention that it usually is in the wee hours of the morning? looking at this beautiful child, I try to comprehend that this little guy is going to grow up to be a boy and then a man. And I try to think about what he'll be when he grows up.

Now, I know I can only do so much-- give him a strong foundation, try to teach him right from wrong, to respect others yada yada yada.. I know that ultimately I don't have a lot of control over what he'll become and what his aspirations will be.

HOWEVER, I have come up with a list of certain scenarios where I will not hesitate to disown him:
1. He becomes a conservative republican. Especially if he is anti-gay or anti-abortion.
2. He becomes a born again Christian. I think his mother and I did quite well giving birth to him the first time. If he feels he needs to be born again, well he can find new parents.
3. He becomes a corporate lawyer. Unless he donates lots of money/time to worthy charities.
4. He becomes the dictator of a country and oppresses the masses.

Besides that, I'll always love him unconditionally.