The room is quite plain. It calls to mind a bus station waiting room; long rows of chairs are arranged through the room. Hundreds (277 at the start yesterday morning) fill the room. Some people read, others listen to music and others fidget with cell phones. Thankfully they have wi-fi here.
My friends laughed at me, but I was quite curious to take part in the jury process. AW said that only people too stupid to get out of jury duty serve, but i'd like to think that's not true. As I told him, I would hope that if I ever need to be judged by a jury of my peers, I want to believe that it's not just people who couldn't come up with an excuse. Not that I really want to get selected for a jury, but
Yesterday I lucked out. The coordinator said he had to many jurors and had the computer randomly select 50 people to be excused. Granted, my odds are pretty good, 1 in 5.5, but I still felt like I hit the jackpot.
Coming back this morning it's interesting to see how many people are sitting in the exact same seat they sat in yesterday. If I were some sort of sociologist, this would be a goldmine for material. As it is, I just get to listen to music and surf the web. I have been inspired to listen to "the Wall" I had forgotten what a good album this is. It definitely brings back memories.